Quite Annoying that when you are playing a Game which last about 1hour sitting in front of the computer and he siad you noob or **** that **** this with rubbish reason. Now Here below going to teach some step for easy Squelch person chat or in other word SELINCE! =DD
First, we are going to use the -hhn command
hhn hides the name of the heroes,so instead of seeing the player color an then hero name,you'll just see the player color. This is useful by itself,but it also sets up the following:
Then identify the player you want to mute,in this case I chose grey, sojuj0a, then type /squelch (username)
So here it was /squelch sojuj0a
If you spell and done it correctly,You should see this:
For the rest of the game,everything he types will be totally ignored or you will not see it. This is really the ultimate command, not even Map Hack can stop it,haha.imba noh?
You can resume seeing chat from the poor player, by simply typing /unsquelch (username)
So here it was /unsquelch sojuj0a and you will get something like this:
And from then on you'll see chat from Him/Her again.
Always Remember to use -hhn or it doesn't work.
You'll have to hope that the players name is simple, However,If he/she had a colored username
You'll have to go back to Garena main window,find his/her name and type it,including the hex code.
For example: the username is "zieg" and colored,it will appear something like this: zieg
You can't just type /squelch zieg
You'll have to type /squelch c0000ff00zieg
So either endure the nonsense of coloured nick players or those with long nicks in different languages or be prepared to go AFK for a few minutes to sort them out, pen and paper may be needed.:lol
Publish By Arc|^Libra^l
lol GG wat a YY
/squelch Arc|^Libra^|
GG-ed,/unsquelch Arc|^Libra^|=D
ReplyDeleteResuming chat From Arc|^Libra^|.
Finally i can talk le ? =x