Friday, November 20, 2009

DotA 6.65 Future Information

Long Time didn't update eh? i heard someone complain about it ~ =x Well~~ It About Time i show people about the new upcoming DotA Series and Here we have here bottom of it is the new test Hero As call nightcrawler~ Enjoy~

I dont have the Sufficnet Information about this hero for now All i get from other internet will be list down here:


Strength - 17 +2.00

Agility - 24 +2.80(Main Attribute)

Intelligence - 18 +1.55

Nightcrawler's Flashbang

Thenight crawler will throws a flashbang in an area to damage, slow enemyunits by 35% and to prevent them from attacking. The flashbang last for2.5 seconds.

Level 1 - Deals 120 damage and has a 200 AOE.

Level 2 - Deals 200 damage and has a 240 AOE.

Level 3 - Deals 280 damage and has a 270 AOE.

Level 4 - Deals 330 damage and has a 300 AOE.
Cooldown: 30 seconds

Mana cost: 100/110/120/130

The casting time is 1 second.

The casting range is 400

Corrosive Scales

Allows the Nightcrawler to be scaly. Gives a chance to reflect the percentage of the received damage of the nightcrawler in an area near him.
Level 1 - 10% chance to reflect the 120% of the nightcrawler's received damage.

Level 2 - 10% chance to reflect the 150% of the nightcrawler's received damage.

Level 3 - 10% chance to reflect the 180% of the nightcrawler's received damage.

Level 4 - 10% chance to reflect the 200% of the nightcrawler's received damage.


Night Crawl
The nightcrawler will become permanently invisible when night. The invisible will removed when the nightcrawler attacks, use a skill or when day comes.
Level 1 - The nightcrawler becomes invisible when night. Has 8 seconds fade time.

Level 2 - The nightcrawler becomes invisible when night. Has 7 seconds fade time.

Level 3 - The nightcrawler becomes invisible when night. Has 6 seconds fade time.

Level 4 - The nightcrawler becomes invisible when night. Has 5 seconds fade time.

Death Stab
When the nightcrawler attacks in front it will deal a bonus damage but when it attacks from the rear, the attacked one will be slowed by 30%.
Level 1 - adds a bonus 25% of damage.

Level 2 - adds a bonus 50% of damage.

Level 3 - adds a bonus 75% of damage.

Orb Effects do not stack

*This May not be the skill when the hero released but far-most i gather info ...most likely it will be this~ Because there are other version , upto icefrog choice to make which will be the hero as it will be exciting and non-imba~

Write your comment about this hero~ the video show ...well~ abit cheat for my personal thinking =x

Publish By Arc|^Libra^|

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