- Player should have been experince lot kinds of hero before reading this tread.
- Drafter (As the captain) Must have a quick mind on choose these hero. Wrong hero = wrong starting, guess what will be end?
- Hero doesn't change all the battle though, having the right streategy is the best (Thats including choose hero @@)
Hey guys, today I'm going to be posting a list about all the Hero Counters and some Justifications.
by Alan Francis Ang
July 16, 2009
Heroes that we will be talking about are colored GREEN
Heroes that counter GREEN heroes are colored ORANGE
Heroes that completely counter GREEN heroes are colored RED
Before I start this guide, I want everybody to know that every hero is unique in it's own right - there are some heroes that just scale average, some are very specialized. Most of the time, heroes that perfect a singular task/role are easily countered by many heroes and most of the average heroes aren't really directly countered for the sake of balance.
[Additional Note 7/28/09]
These counters are made with decent players carrying the counter heroes as well as the hero in hand. For example in regards to pipser's comment about chasers not being a counter to Kunkka, chasers that have decent awareness as well as decent instinct will at least dodge 50% of torrents unless held still by an X Marks the Spot.
Kunkka - Lion, Lina, Rhasta, Na'ix, Rattletrap, Tiny, Mangix, Lycanthrope, Viper
Kunkka has only 1 aoe disable and takes 2 seconds to take place, which is very unreliable when escaping. Kunkka can be easily shut down by chain disablers, chain nukers, or effective chasers. Chain Nukers will make sure that they focus fire Kunkka before giving him the chance to get that 50% damage resistance debuff on himself or allies. Chasers will hound on Kunkka as long as they can avoid his Torrent. Stunners work great but it is easier for Kunkka to land a Torrent when the enemy is still(Stun+autoattack, even pros do it, waste not time on animation cancel when you might target a creep).
Rexxar - Vol'jin, Lich, Obsidian Destroyer
Rexxar is a very flexible hero, having a long range nuke to farm, a scout and slow compact skill, and a great aoe ultimate than stuns and slows. Given all these, there are only a few natural counters to Rexxar.
Vol'jin can get more stuns with Rexxar due to his Call of the Wild, giving him more time to cast Maledict and maybe a Death Ward. Lich can bounce his Chain Frost on Call of the Wild. Obsidian Destroyer easily destroys summoned units with his Arcane Orb.
Bradwarden - Necrolyte, Naix, Zeus, Enigma, Viper, Traxex, Obsidian Destroyer, Silencer, Vol'jin
Bradwarden is probably DotA's best tank. But despite this, he is an easy target because of his initiating gamestyle.
Necrolye will kill any hero below 45% hp. Tank Breakers that do percentile damage such as Na'ix, Zeus, Enigma. Orbwalkers do not take damage from Return if they manual cast it.
Earthshaker - Nerubian Assasin, Silencer, Puck, Ezalor, Medusa, Lion, Batrider, Spectre
Earthshaker is renowned for his permastun combo. But taking out his mana is a smart way to take the Earthshaker down.
Mana Burners such as Nerubian Assasin and Medusa will render Earthshaker useless. Silencers will ensure Earthshaker doesn't do his thing. Batrider and his suicidal tactics will completely counter Earthshaker - Bkb, Blink, Firefly, Lasso Initiator, drag to allies, kill initiator. Spectre's Haunt will prevent you from blinking in a team battle and using your skills, forcing you to walk towards the skirmish.
Bradwarden - Necrolyte, Naix, Zeus, Enigma, Viper, Traxex, Obsidian Destroyer, Silencer, Vol'jin
Bradwarden is probably DotA's best tank. But despite this, he is an easy target because of his initiating gamestyle.
Necrolye will kill any hero below 45% hp. Tank Breakers that do percentile damage such as Na'ix, Zeus, Enigma. Orbwalkers do not take damage from Return if they manual cast it.
Earthshaker - Nerubian Assasin, Silencer, Puck, Ezalor, Medusa, Lion, Batrider, Spectre
Earthshaker is renowned for his permastun combo. But taking out his mana is a smart way to take the Earthshaker down.
Mana Burners such as Nerubian Assasin and Medusa will render Earthshaker useless. Silencers will ensure Earthshaker doesn't do his thing. Batrider and his suicidal tactics will completely counter Earthshaker - Bkb, Blink, Firefly, Lasso Initiator, drag to allies, kill initiator. Spectre's Haunt will prevent you from blinking in a team battle and using your skills, forcing you to walk towards the skirmish.
Publish by Arc^Libra^
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