Good News to all
Garenants, Ever felt bored that u can't in the
Garena Rooms? Ever Felt bored tunneling someone to know their pin
gs? Ever get bored that always tell you to buy gold member !?

Yes...see these picture and u know !! It's real!! Can't believe? ZOOM IT!!
Cut the commecial...FreeSky is Garena new game and it is web-browser game just like this 1st picture u c....
FreeSky is a streategy-war game and...u asking me hard or easy to play ? Well~ there plenty of quest await and these quest are acted as a guide for you to play.
Bad news is there are limit time for u to get them(before 31.8.2009)
*two quest that contain gold member.But these will let u get to test the gold feel~ (show ping , no enter limit and other more )
Published by Arc^Libra^